Re: passwd hashing algorithm

Louis Taber (
13 Apr 1995 11:46:22 -0700

>* David Faron Stagner ( writes

>I'm with der Mouse on this... the current state of crypt() and
>password hashing in unix is inexcusable.  
..... stuff removed
>So what we're left with is replacing crypt() with something decently
>strong.  How about triple DES?  At this point in the game, triple DES
>seems as strong as anything available, and certainly far stronger than
>the existing scheme.  It also would not change the length of the
>passwords on file or the basic authentication mechanism.  Of course,
>this still doesn't solve the problem of weak passwords (which is still
>a basic attack mechanism for crack), but it would make
>minimum-password schemes much more effective, and increase the value
>of good passwords substantially.  
>Someone tell me if I'm completely off-base here.
>* David Faron Stagner
>* National Computer Systems 
>* 2510 N Dodge St                     vox 319 354 9200 ext 6884
>* Iowa City, IA 52244                 fax 319 339 6555

My take on this is that encryption is NOT the way to go.   This would 
mean that there exists a key that could decrypt the entire password file.
On this count triple DES is no better than regular DES.  From my 
understanding the MD5 would work well.  It is non-reversible.

Louis Taber                                         
Pima Community College, Computer Science, 2202 W. Anklam Rd, Tucson, AZ 85709
(520) 884-6039 Secretary / (520) 884-6850 Office direct